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  Rodney Wood


Rodney thinks you should take poetry seriously but never yourself. It's important to let others know you're enjoying what you are doing or they never will. He reads (I'm a member of the Poetry Library in London), writes and performs (in the Poets Cafe in Reading and the Den of Voice in Guildford). In addition he founded and ran the Westy Poets (which meet every second Tuesday of the month at the West End Centre in Aldershot) where he also does front of house work.

Poems will be/have been published in: Nth Position, the Reater, South, The Interpreter's House, Stride, Seam. Other Poetry anthologies incl Star Trek and Return To Sender and he even had one broadcast on Poetry Please.

Catfish Keith - thanks for your poem buddy. It made me laugh out loud.
The Ghost of a Thousand - your poem is so fucking cool.


Ruby Revenge counts the days before
her fav band appear in Aldershot.
She's just 15 and can't fucking wait.
When the hour finally comes and after
Rolo Tomassi and Casino Brawl
have displayed their hairless armpits,
The Ghost of a Thousand take over
the scaffold and Tom screams into
the mic, Mem has a drumkit for a throne,
Gaz is a lumberjack chainsawing his bass
through Left For Dead and Blackday Number
and Andy and Jag thrash their guitars
bringing them to life through the flickering
silver, gold and black of Matchless amps.
During As They Breed They Swarm
headbanging fans become a shoal
of fish around Ruby Revenge who keeps
a curtain of hair over her face showing
her refusal to conform, her sense
of isolation, her feeling she's only cool
wearing the merch and that now
she's just 15 and can't fucking wait.

(click on the thumbnail to see the full-size poster)









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