The 2009 Edinburgh Festival Award for Comedy was won by a Performance Poet. - Tim Key - and - Simon Munnery, another Performance Poet can be seen in 'Time Out' magazine – in the *Comedy *section! What is this world coming to? Surely poetry and comedy are not the same – or are they???
Many people are so blocked by the word 'Poetry', they become 'deaf' when they hear the word... Meantime, for the past decade, Write Angle has been bringing Performance Poets (comedians), from far and wide – to Petersfield! They're funny, clever and provide evenings of great entertainment.
Many of these artists get paid high sums of money for doing gigs elsewhere, but they like coming here – they like the audiences, the ambience, and they even tell other performers about it, who then contact the venue. Write Angle must be doing something right! It's booked up with different Performance Poets and Musicians, through to January 2014! (not a typo - it's true!). And WA now performs to packed houses!
Then there is our popular OPEN MIC which is there for YOU to get up and sing, play guitar, read your poetry or improvise theatre as well as comedy! And because our Open Mic is for everyone, we've had performers from 'first timers' to surprise guests, to 'professionals trying out new work'!
For those of you who've come to our evenings, you know what we're talking about! For those of you who haven't, we hope you'll realise you've been missing a once-only evening of entertainment, each month, and not some stuffy old poet.
We do hope you'll give us a try. |